Aina Nadzir
it has been almost a week that i have been under the weather. thats not the worst has been exactly a week that ive had this creative blockage that i cant seem to think of any new design for ma website template nor try to execute anything.

Aina Nadzir
i have exactly 3 weeks to execute a major project on website, minor on TVC, study for final exam on Cyberpreneurship and Basic acct, econs and management. adding salt into this bitter coffee currently under the weather. : God knows how much im suffering rite now!

However, a great mind once told me, "God will only test those He thinks are capable of goin thru it". That statement, i very very strong. For a person who's goin thru a hell of a time rite now, that statement actually puts me on a higher level than where i am. I feel good somehow that im being tested with all this...because i CAN go thru it. i just have to find the way. just like all of u out there.

If u have financial problem..dont give up n just swear ur whole life thru. do sthing about it. like i said before..there are no answers to every questions in life. but there are solutions. so stop whining "y is she born richer than i am???" "y does he always have money in his life n i dont??" because u can never get an answer u want to hear. bottom line...u have to EARN it urself. work for it. it doesnt matter if its financial or relationship or career..or life. God will reward u if u work for it.

Luck doesnt exist without effort...remember that.
Aina Nadzir
Why we can be annoyed easily? For me, i get annoyed when i am in pain and ppl around me just dont seem to understand. But most of the time,im annoyed at ma ownself. Usually when related to work stuff. Like for now, Im annoyed that even tho ive started studying for ma midterm much earlier than anyone else, i still have dificulties remembering and answering the tutorial questions. Im annoyed that, i have to submit my design progress work on Tuesday, n i havent even started on anything major, YET! Im annoyed that im in pain at such wrong timing! Im VERY VERY annoyed rite now that im having terrible flu that everytime i whole head seems to shake..including ma brains n every information i stored in it.

How i get annoyed at people? When they mind other people's businesses. "How much have u studied?" "Where are u rte now with ur work?" Its like...SHUSHHHHHHHH!!!! does it matter so much??? What..if i am done with everything...ur marks will be lower? For crying out loud..mind ur own business! theres a thin line between "being caring" and "being penyebok". or in other words..busy body..or just plain too competitive. Because when u r being caring... u wont b asking the same stupid question more than once in a day!

ok..clearly im annoyed rite now..thats y im in the mood to write on it. hehehe. I HATE FLU!!!
Aina Nadzir has been ages since i post anything up here. Been damn bz...n i just had to put ma passion on writing aside.
graduating soon...VERY soon. wow..working life. Am i facing that first..or continue with masters? Not so sure yet..

well...LIFE...ppl say that there are no answers to every questions in life. true..i cant deny that. but what ppl tend to miss out is that...there are solutions to everything. but they mite b solutions that are not to ur favour.

i think thats a pretty strong statement n i dont have to accompany it with an example to make it clear. :)

good luck to everyone out there who searches for solutions in their life.. :)