Aina Nadzir
With the election upon us, it is more important than ever to get out and vote. Many people think that their vote does not matter. Imagine if everyone felt that way – we would never have a government!

Remember what happened the last election? Between Keadilan and BN somewhere in Penang? They had to recount the votes many times because of very very minimal vote. Was it 1? I can't remember. But that's how important a single vote is! So thinking that your vote does not count could not be farther from the truth.

Voting is method of voicing out. Neglecting your freedom of choice could be very harmful, not just for your generation but your children's' too! You do not need a friend to influence you to vote. Just think of yourself, your family.

I agree the up bringing is important. The family influence, the education, the surrounding. But i believe our government has given more than enough awareness on how important it is for you to vote. But at the end of the day, it is up to YOU. Do not blame anyone else but YOURSELF if you choose to THROW this privilege away with the excuse "my generation wasn't taught the importance of voting" or "none of my friends vote" (btw, excuse ma french, but i find that excuse is fucking stupid! didn't God provide you brains to THINK?!) or "i just don't care who rules and who doesn't. i support no one anyways". If you wake up one Sunday, and the new government made a change where you have to work on Sundays, do not yell not curse. First kick yourself in the butt for not playing your role to choose good rulers.

Whether the excuse is apathy or laziness, voting has become a privilege that far many too Malaysians take for granted. The next time you neglect to vote, ask yourself how you would feel if you didn't have a choice – to elect a president, or choose a job, or decide how many children to have.

There are many countries where a person does not have a choice, and I'm sure they would gladly change places with you for the fundamental privilege of voting!

"Do not take for granted of what you have now as each day is different"

Aina Nadzir
Today i FINALLLYYYYYYYYYY visited ita's farm. There were more than 20 goats there. With beards..with name it, they have it. There were more 3 days ago. But someone bought em already. Oh and Ita cried looking at her lil goats being taken away. hahahahahhaa. what la u babe. This is why you shouldn't NAME your goats! esp when they are for sale!! :P

I am amazed with their amazing effort and hard work with their challenging business. The surrounding sceneries are nothing but ordinary, but somehow..I just felt calmed the whole time (except when the goats get near me :P). I think the place is amazing. I could 'smell' passion in the air. Then again, it might get mixed up with the poo smell :P

There were these few cuteeeeeeee baby goats. Gosh..if only I favor goats as much as hamsters. hahahahahaha. I couldnt and didnt even want to carry it. :P Geli laaaaa!

The best part was..the vege farm!!! I loveeeeeeeeeee vege! and i think..if ever la i nak start ma own will be on PLANTS and vege. :D animals are a big No-No! ahahahahaha. Im not good with animals. I'm good with vege. cos i loveeee em. :D Unfortunately, I was there with Aini who's not feeling so well..and dressed in ma pretty expensive i didnt stayed that long. I think an hour plus je.

But i learn 1 thing. Saya seekor kambing kampung! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. While ashraf was explaining to me about how greedy goats are, he mentioned that "kambing kampung" are the greediest. They eat like piranha, but are forever thin! :)) Immediately it hit a kambing kampung! Hahahahahahahha!

Anyways, to Ita and Ashraf, congratulations with your business..and I pray that everything goes well and you will always find happiness and satisfaction with what you guys do. :)


oh..and Happy Chinese New Year ppl! :D