Aina Nadzir
It's time for new image for Frozen Sound! :D I found this cute background image while googling for new template. Originally wanted to use this jeans template I found earlier ..but maybe a lil too edgy? Hahaha. 

This may be a lil too cute, but so what??  I love it! :D


Aina Nadzir
So...a month + ago (cant remember exactly how long it has been...seem too long) dearest lil sis, Fatin, left for Sydney, Aussie to pursue her degrees.  And she has complained MANY times I didnt blog about her. HAHAHAHAHA. nah..this is for you mate~! :P

One thing ill remember forever is the drama i created in KLIA. hahaha. i promised maself i will NOT cry...but who was i kidding la kan? :P Not that i only cried, i couldnt stop! hahahaha. shafiq had to comfort me! HAHAHAHAHAHA. lawak siottt! :P :P all YOUR fault fatin! :P

Aih thinking of this kan..I wonder how the hell will i react if i have to leave ma fam...and Aini especially! If fatin ma sis in law for 6 months pun dah kan pulak ma sis for the past 24 years! *gulp*....takut nak pk..

What ever it Fatin..we all miss u like crazy here! I know i'll miss u more when we have family gatherings. cos takde geng!! HAHAHAHA

C u in July yeah. Meantime be good! Muaahhx!