Aina Nadzir
Akademi Fantasia 3 ended with history created along it. Asmawi or better known as Mawi won 1st place at the highest vote ever in the show with 58%!! Not just that, he also won the Best Vocal and Best Performance awards voted through sms.

Clearly, im a fan of his. For the very first time, i actually VOTED..20 times or more! Aznil was a good mc. He managed to fool the audience that there will b a surprise with the votes...pasal tu yg kitaorang ni terus2 vote like hell...!!

But i think astro is not very fair with the system for Best Vocal award. It shouldnt based on sms..instead on the judges or teachers. I think Amelyia deserve the award..or Felix..or Aqma or the others that i didnt watch before. Cos, clearly there are better vocalist than Mawi. N for performance, i think Amelyia deserve it, however, cos she managed to get her song..n it's an upbeat wouldnt b a surprise either if she won it.
like Mawi said, "Rezeki ini dr Allah". Clearly he was surprised himself. win ALL the awards.

I wish Mawi all the best. May u keep up ur identity and be happy with ur future in the industry.

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