This is one of the most stressful month ever in my life! Just running over what I have to do in my head suffocates me! No surprise that I fall ill often too then..
Having one of those massice headaches today so I skipped work. Staying at home and doing literally nothing hasnt helped either, though it is a lil relaxing not doing or rushing for anything for once. Shafiq picked me up for lunch before heading to workshop to check on my car. The short-hot outting didnt help much in soothing the lil-hammer in ma head nor my mood. Watching 2 episodes of SATC, chatting and watching tv didnt help either..until i drank the magic drink ..VICO! i dont know wether it's the mild awesome chocolate or the fact that I just needed a good drink..but for a brief minute it helped me sooth all the tension away!
I guess this is a small -FOC ad for VICO then. hehe
How true is that? We tend to prioritize the wrong ppl, the wrong things in life. I guess thats how we get in trouble and get hurt.
With the wedding getting nearer, ma mom kept reminding me how the day will be mine and shafiq's and i should put myself before anyone else including my family and friends. as this could work for some ppl..i just cant! even during the busiest time in ma life right now, I still find time to be with my friends. I know i'll be bugged that day if their accommodation and transportation are not arranged properly. Is your big day your biggest selfish day?
But that's life. I came across the title I post up today from a status of my ex-lecturer from MMU. I then realise how true it is! There has been so many times where i end up getting dissappointed and hurt by prioritizing others before myself. Ma koko once said "Just because u r nice to some doesnt mean he or she will be nice to u back". So I guess, if the person is not worth it, then dont waste ur time and attn on them.