Aina Nadzir
I love double dates. to be feels better than just going out with ur partner. hehehe (sorry la 'cafiq' [bukan nama sebenar]). Dont get me wrong. Just that, it's more fun...and u can learn how other couple treats each other and stuff. Well...i am a must watch and learn. :p i had a double date with 'sana' and 'gunu' (bukan nama sebenar). it was fun! though...the first half of our date was a lil boring cos 'sana' wasnt feeling very well. but after was fun. caught a movie..i,robot to release tension. it's surprising how i enjoyed a sc. fiction movie when i used to ditch em very much (i dont watch LOTR, harry potter dan sewaktunya). dont get me wrong guys, i just find aliens, fantasy and such crappy cos it's so unreal. (oooppsss!!)

Got maself a new Nike shoe since i lost mine in Sg Congkak. REMINDER: Pls check ur shoe in and out everytime u buy a new one. I didnt...and after i bought it, i realised that one side of the shoe was taken from the rack and i coulnt return it cos that's the last pair with ma size! how disappointing rite? so keep that in mind.'s latei am tired. and i am writing a blog. LOL. i know what i just wrote is stoopid and not organized...well..i am just trying out. :)

"Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted... but to weigh and consider." Francis Bacon
1 Response
  1. Rod Says:

    Too bad...about LOTR I mean, it's a beautiful story with amazing visual effects

    anyways, random comments...:-D