Aina Nadzir
Today is the first time i am cleaning a hamster cage on ma own. usually i have my maid to do so at home. but today..i am finally independent when comes to cleaning hamster's cage. even though i had 2 assistants, 'sana' and 'tana' (bukan nama sebenar) they only 'helped' me to distract the hamsters from realising that they were left in a pail and not their lovely cage that was being stolen by me to be cleaned.

In the process of cleaning the cage, 'sana' mentioned sthing like "God is so great! Can create something so cute"(sentence fragment has been manipulated but with the same meaning). True isnt it? How great He can be to create such wonderful creatures like cute and adorable. How smart He can be to creat human beings who claims themselves geniuses (and God is way way at an upper level that is just way our of our imagination).

It is just so sad to see how human beings now a days do not know how to appreciate themselves and others. Simple say, do not respect God's creation. Sad yeah..?

Lets pray that our world will be more peaceful...ameen..

"An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind." Mohandas Gandhi

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