Aina Nadzir
Hahaha...ape la. I'm getting replies saying I'm emo la pulak with my last post.

No ma dear friends. Bukan emo. I just happened to come across this topic way to often for the past few days, which is why i decided to write..not cos nak lepas geram..but to REMIND and educate (for those yg a bit bengap :p)..that WE ALL have feelings, doesnt matter what size you are. So just mind your jokes and name calling. Don't do what you dont like to be done to you to others.

Thats all :)

1 Response
  1. Kryptonite Says:


    tak emo lah :-)

    My stand on this is when people are not empathetic and not put themselves in others' shoes(macam pernah dengar je ek)it's easier to envy. Perhaps those who made those remarks envy how lanky you are cos they think they can't wear the clothes that they really want to wear. Some large people also get remarks like, "wah, how come you so happy and cheerful all the time hah? All chubby people are more cheerful, issit?" Hmm.
