Aina Nadzir
Tuesday, 4th Dec 07...I'll remember that day FOREVER cos Ive never felt humiliated than ever before!

Flying was once fun. Once upon a time, it felt good being greeted by airlines staff. They made us feel welcomed and in a way thank us for flying with their airlines..cos that means we can afford to...which also means we support the airline...and also says "kachinggg~" into their bank accounts at the end of the month. Once upon a time Malaysia Airlines..or better known as MAS was an awesome airline. Good receptionist, good ticket counter, good cabin crews, good pilots..even good planes. Now? Lets just say they are lucky they are the only 'executive' Malaysia's airline around.

I've been flying since I can remember. I've discovered the clouds in many airlines. But have I never felt unwelcomed as I felt last Tuesday.

I was assigned to conduct a Focus Group in Sabah with MCG Asia. Yanti and I was scheduled for a 4.15pm flight. We reached KLIA just in time for a standby checkin. Well...yeah it was a bit late for normal checkins...but I mean..come on...all you need to do was to call the crew and ask if we can still check in or not. Shouldnt it be a customer-friedly service? Anyways...after giving up from arguing with the snobbish MAS staff at the counter, we went down to the MAS ticket counter to pay penalty for the next flight suggested by the snobbish asshole; 4.55pm. Ofcourse he had to make me feel like im some first time flyer when i asked for a confirmation of the penalty charge..."RM100"he said. i asked "eh expensive d? (i remembered it was less than that last time).." and he had to say "ye la. ni buat tiket BAS!"... :O I seriously felt like shoving "excuse me! Ive flew more than your life time u asshole!" to his annoying farking face!

Since we were late, and the office was packed, I went up to the business ticket counter to ask for the lady who looked free to help us out. Without even looking up to me, she just said "this is 1st class counter" with the bitchy-attitude-face. i just had to answer "what kind of service is this??" n yanti just pull me aside to calm me down.

Fine. Yanti then approached the NORMAL flight counter staffs to get their help. Gosh..she was actually literaly begging em to help us out! And they were just giving her the attitude face! "I'm bz. Can't you c? Are u asking me to get my friends to leave their customers to attend to yours instead??" Goshhhh! I just had to walk away! Cos I know I'll just burst! No one is asking you to LEAVE your customers to attend to us. But can't you say it politely? Something that sooth us who are rushing for our flights..rather than pissing us off and adding more stress on our shoulders??? Geeeshhh!

In the end, a kind guy helped us out. paid 100bucks each for the penalty and ran up to checkin. it was 4.30. the flight scheduled at 4.55. once we reached the counter, the farking snobbish staff just looked our ticket, looked up to us and said "DAH TUTUP". what the fuck?? that was when i just BURST! he suggested for 4.55 flight. asked us to go down to pay penalty. n once we get back to check in...he just fucking plainly say CLOSED! goshhhhh!!! i started yelling cos it doesnt make sense! he didnt even check at the system or ask the other crews if we could still get up the plane. i know i was yelling pretty loud as some of the guys lining up at the next lane turned to look at us. and just guess what he did? MERAJUK! wtf... "why are u yelling at me?? u r the one who's late. i didnt promise 4.55. who said there's seats for 4.55??" arrghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

it is so not me to rush for a flight. usually ill just grab a flight that ill have ample time to checkin or what not. but yanti seems determined to get up that plane. so she begged the guy to help us out. n so he did. he checked the system and called up the crew at the gate and there are seats available. ofcourse he didnt let us go without lecturing us and the "see! if u talk nicely i would help right? ur friend tu..she should talk nicely to me". wth la! my flights are part of your salary u jerk! n u r the caused for us to miss our first flight..and nearly the 2nd. if i hadnt yelled and if we were as soft as we were earlier on...i bet he wouldnt have allowed us to get up that flight either! and the worst part...when we reached the gate, no one even board the plane yet! and there were so many empty seats on the plane; more than 10!! arrhhhh!!!

what the hell ever happened to MAS staff???? its bad enough there are so many delayed flights lately...the staff and crews are just making situations worst! aihhhh....

I admit I dont fly AirAsia much. Mainly cos I dont like to walk to the plane..or the airport..or the plane. But seriously...the counter staff are much muchh better than MAS'.

One thing I learnt...never underdress when you fly. Always look your best so ppl take you seriously. We'll c to that this Monday when I fly for Terengganu instead.

1 Response
  1. WAP Says:

    easy.. next time get this name, get his superior name.. nicely take a photo of him and send your BIG complaint letter to MAS and papers...